Rules and Regulations for 
Christus Spohn Bee County Volunteers
Beeville, Texas 

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#1 Name and Location
The name of the organization is CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville Volunteers. The location of the Beeville Volunteers shall be 1500 East Houston, City of Beeville, County of Bee, State of Texas, 78102.

#2 Purpose
CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Volunteers is a not-for-profit organization affiliated with the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Association of Auxiliaries and the Texas Association of Hospital Auxiliaries. The purpose for which this organization is formed is to assist CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville in religious, charitable, hospital and nursing education work, and by the integrity and coordination of individual efforts consistent with the policies of the hospital, to promote, foster, encourage
, and aid the best interests of said institution through volunteer services. The Volunteers help raise funds for various projects as approved by the Administration. All non-allocated funds remaining in the treasury after all obligations are met will be distributed for special projects as noted by the body to support services of CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville. The Volunteers will sponsor the Junior Volunteers.

#3 Membership and Dues

Membership shall be open to persons who qualify. Members shall pay annual dues of $2.00 or more as established by the Board of Directors of the Volunteers and shall participate in active services of the organization. All dues will be deposited into the CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville Volunteer Medical Scholarship Fund. Applicants shall be from the area serviced by CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville. The amount and number of scholarships will be determined by the availability of funds.

#4 General Meetings
There shall be at least three General Meetings of the Volunteers a year, including the Annual Meeting. The number of meetings, the time and place of the meetings, shall be determined by the President and/or the Board of Directors. The Annual Meeting shall be held in January of each year for the purpose of Installation of Officers, and for officers and chairpersons of committees to give annual reports, and for other such business as may properly come before the meeting. One-third of the voting members shall constitute a quorum of any meeting of the Volunteers.

#5 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers and the Committee Chairpersons of the organization. The Administrator of the hospital, CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Vice President and the Director of Volunteer Services shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors of the Volunteers. .

The executive power of the Volunteers shall be vested in the President and Board of Directors, who shall have charge of affairs and funds of the Volunteers with the approval of the hospital Administration and shall have power and authority to do and perform all acts and functions in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Association of Auxiliaries and these Rules and Regulations. 

Three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from Board meetings constitute being dropped from the Board by a majority vote.

#6 Board of Directors Meeting
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held once a month, except for the month of July, at a place determined by the President. All members of the Volunteers are welcome to attend all Board Meetings. Only Board members may vote.

Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time or any place as determined by the President. Special meetings may be held at the request of no fewer than three (3) members of the Board of Directors o approval of the President. One-third of the members shall constitute a quorum.

#7 Advisory Board
The Advisory Board of the Volunteers shall consist of the three immediate Past Presidents of the organization. The Advisory Board will serve in the advisory capacity of the President and the Board of Directors.

#8 Officers
The Officers of the Volunteers shall be: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian.

Officers of the Volunteers shall be elected to serve for a period of one year and may be re-elected to serve an additional term of one year in the same office. A one-year lay off is required before running again for the same office. 

The President at the January meeting of the General Membership shall appoint a nominating committee. This meeting shall be considered the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members. The President shall designate the Chairperson.

The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for the ensuing terms to the Board of Directors at the September meeting and the General Membership at the meeting in October for vote by the membership at large at that time. Nominations from the floor may be made.

The new officers shall be installed at the Annual Meeting in January and take office immediately.

Any resignations or vacancies of officers shall be filled in the same manner. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees to fill the vacant office to the Board of Directors meeting as soon as possible and to the General Membership at the next meeting for vote by the membership at large at that time. Nominations from the floor may be made.

#9 Duties of Officers
President: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Volunteers and of the Board of Directors and shall have supervision of the general management of the organization. This person shall perform all duties pertaining to the office. This person shall appoint the chairperson of all standing and special committees and shall assume general supervision of all money and fund raising services, all expenses of the volunteers, as well as those expenses incurred by the gift shop and snack bar. The President will share responsibility for signing all checks with the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. Signatures of two of these officers are required on all checks payable on behalf of the organization. (The signature of the Vice-President is acceptable when assuming the duties of the President). All records are to be kept in the volunteer office. The President along with the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer will be responsible for all money, checks, invoices, reports & etc. All monetary funds and records shall also be kept in a secure location in the hospital. This person shall also be a member of the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Association of Auxiliaries and attend all meetings. The President will vote only in case of a tie.

Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President in the event of his/her absence, and have the power and perform the duties of the President. This officer shall be responsible for the issuance of the annual yearbook. This person shall also be a member of the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Association of Auxiliaries.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the officer responsible for all financial activities of the Volunteers. This officer shall be responsible for all funds paid by the Volunteers and oversee the deposit of such funds in the name of the organization. All checks to pay bills approved for payment by the Gift Shop and Snack Bar Committee Chairpersons will be signed by two of the following officers; the President, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer shall share responsibility of all checks, monetary records, invoices, and receipts with the Assistant Treasurer and the President and see that all documents remain in the secured area. The Treasurer shall present a written financial statement quarterly to the Board of Directors. An audit by a CPA of all funds will be conducted annually in the month of January prior to the Annual Meeting.

Assistant Treasurer: The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in the above duties. In the absence or disability of the Treasurer, this officer shall have the power to perform the duties associated with the office of Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer shall co-sign all checks in the absence of the Treasurer or President.

Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of meetings of the Volunteers and of the Board. These records shall be open to inspection by any member at reasonable times. The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Volunteers. This officer shall send the names and addresses of the newly elected officers to the State Office. This officer shall send out all notices for meetings. The Secretary is also a member of the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Association of Auxiliaries. 

Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian shall advise the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary law and matters of procedure.

#10 Standing Service and Special Committees
The Committees shall be appointed by the President, according to the needs of the Volunteers and in conformity with the Constitution and the Rules and Regulations. The Chairperson of each Committee is responsible for making a summary report to the Annual Meeting. The President of the Volunteers may appoint such special committees as considered necessary to carry out the purposes of the Volunteers or as requested by the Hospital Administrators.

Committee Membership for all moneymaking or fund raising services shall be staggered so that no more than one half of the committee will be removed each year. Records and files of activities will be maintained and kept in the volunteer office.

The Board of Directors shall approve an annual operating budget for both the snack bar and the gift shop. The Finance Committee will prepare the budget and present it to the Board and membership for approval.

Special Committee service shall be automatically dissolved when they have discharged their functions. The standing committees and hours awarded for Volunteers shall be as follows:

Advisory-50 hrs.
Awards-50 hrs.
Finances-50 hrs.
Flowers-100 hrs.
Gift Shop-100 hrs.
Junior Volunteer Coordinator-100 hrs.
Membership-50 hrs.
Representatives to Council of Hospital Auxiliaries- hrs. spent
Rules and Regulations-50 hrs.
Scholarship-50 hrs.
Snack Bar-100 hrs.
Social- 50 hrs.
Uniform-50 hrs.
President & Treasurer-100 hrs.
Other Officers-50 hrs.
Special Events Chairperson-25 hrs.
All committee members- hrs. spent
All other volunteers- hrs. spent

#11 Parliamentary Authority 
“Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern this organization in all classes covered by the Rules and Regulations when not consistent with the Rules and Regulations.

#12 Amendments
The Rules and Regulations of the Volunteers may be altered, repealed or amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the Volunteers, provided that notice of the proposed alteration, repeal, or amendment be contained in the notice of the meeting which has been mailed two (2) weeks in advance of the meeting. The amended Rules and Regulations shall be referred to the CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville Board of Directors for final approval. 

**Rules and Regulations as approved by the membership on June 11, 2001.

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Updated Thursday, December 21, 2006 20:56
    Created July 30, 2001 #0248

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