Veterans Day Program - 2003

START page www.Beeville.Net/VeteransDay
May 29, 2004 WWII Veterans Recognition 
      The Program / Receiving Certificates: 1 2 ALL
/ After Ceremony
November 11, 2003
The Program  People Read Text of some speeches and prayers.

November 11, 2002 The Program


Judge Jimmy Martinez
Speech as part of the Veterans Day Program in Beeville, Texas at the Bee County Courthouse.

November 11, 2003

Tuesday has been designated Veterans Day.  Words fail me as I try to express my gratitude to those who sacrificed so much.  I think every day is a day to honor these heroes!  Some soldier paid the price for me to have freedom in this beloved nation that I might have “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  Some soldier gave his or her all to enable me to freely worship an Almighty God.

Freedom is a precious thing and to take it for granted results in losing it.  My hat and heart go out to veterans.  Some servicemen and servicewomen were prisoners of war, and for some, that imprisonment lasted for years.  It comforts me to know that Bible verses they had learned as children help sustained them.  Their indestructible faith in God enabled them to die, if necessary, to protect our freedoms.  I am reminded of this when I see “Old Glory” waving so proudly.  I feel a lump in my throat and a tear on my cheek whenever I hear our national anthem.  

I wonder if we appreciate the fact that our young men and women, in the prime of their lives, fought to the end to preserve our country.  Their young lives being interrupted, leaving loved ones and experiencing extreme hardships had to bring the worst kind of pain.  As any veteran will tell you, “War is horrible.” Yet keeping America free was-and is- worth dying for in the eyes of these brave men and women. 

I have heard many times, ”there are no atheists in foxholes.” The Star Spangled Banner, adopted by Congress in 1931, states in its final verses: “Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, and this be our motto, ‘In God is our Trust.’ “Our National Motto Today, adopted officially by Congress on July 20, 1956, is “In God We Trust”  That trust has guided many a soldier who found himself or herself far from home.  The same trust has helped and kept many a veterans today.

Thank God for a nation founded on principles from the bible.  Thank God for those who were willing to sacrifice for you and me.

Someone has said: “It is the soldier who has given us freedom of the press.  It is the soldier who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the same soldier who salutes the flag, serves beneath the flag and whose coffin is draped by the flag!”  Ask for one minute of silence; Remember those who fought for peace.  Do you know a veteran? Tell them thank you for their part in making this country the greatest place on earth. 

In conclusion, we have and enjoy Freedom today because we have yesterday’s veterans!