Beeville/BeeObituary List
provided by Beeville.Net
Frequently Asked Question

Who may/can provide Obituary information
Any local funeral home or qualified volunteer who meets the "acceptable standards" set by Beeville.Net may add/edit information for inclusion in the BeeObituary. All information is submitted electronically using a web browser.
Can anyone add BeeOBITUARY and events?
NO. Only a select Funeral Homes and individual volunteers who are given a Username and Password are able to edit the BeeObituary.
What do I have to do to become a volunteer who maintains information for my organization?
If you are the person responsible for BeeObituary events in your orgnization and want to be able to maintain a Obituary for your organization, contact the Bee County Chamber of Commercex
Are there limitation on who can VIEW THE BeeOBITUARY.
NO. Everyone may view All or or any of the BeeOBITUARY database..

To contact us with a question, suggestion or comment, please click here.

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BeeObituary provides access obituary notices for individuals that have some connection with Beeville and Bee County. The database is maintained by funeral homes and volunteers.